
nbn box: real or personal property?

Should you take the NBN box with you when you move out of your home? Where does it belong – the property, or the subscriber?

This question of ownership has been firmly answered by the NBN and Real Estate Industry Association (REIA), who this week launched a campaign ‘Home is where the nbnTM box is’, to educate tenants, homeowners, property managers and real estate agents.

REIA president Adrian Kelly has noticed a rise in reports of previous owners and tenants taking the NBN connexion boxes with them to their next property when they move.

“With Aussies spending more time at home than ever due to widespread working from home and more reliance on technology, internet connection has become one of the first questions buyers have for real estate agents”, Kelly said.

“Fast internet is a major selling point for buyers and renters alike.

“However, if the NBN connection box does not remain at the property in which it was first installed, customers may be impacted by delays in connecting to services over the NBN network”, he added.

Agents are now actively encouraged to treat the NBN boxes as a permanent fixture of the home.

“In effect, it belongs to the home in the same way an oven or heating appliance does”, Kelly concluded.

For further information, including an eBook guide, can be accessed from the REIA website.