
Smartest green house follows the sun

A house built to turn as the sun moves has been recognised as the GreenSmart Home of the Year 2013.

Named Girasole (which means ‘to follow the sun’), the 4-bedroom home in Canberra is built on a steel-framed motorised turntable controlled by a wall-mounted touch screen panel. Rotation of the home can be automatically synchronised to follow the sun or manually driven to suit the homeowner’s needs.

The award-winning project was designed and built by MAG Constructions and DNA Architects.

The HIA GreenSmart Awards recognise HIA (Housing Industry Association) members who build or design environmentally-friendly homes, provide solutions to make homes more efficient or create new products for the building industry.

Winners in all categories this year were applauded for their outstanding workmanship, design and innovation in sustainability.