
How to dispose of a Christmas tree

It’s brown, spiky, dropping pine needles all over the carpet and, let’s face it, past its use-by date. What’s the best way get rid of this year’s Christmas tree? We look at your options.

* Throw it down the back or under the deck?
If you have a large property, maybe you can stow it out of sight and leave it to break down over time. But no-one needs the fire hazard, and it’s not a solution for high density dwellers.

* Release it to the wild from whence it came?
Not a good idea, particularly when we need our natural reserves to be clear of debris and bushfire fuel. Besides, who needs all those dead pine needles through the car?

* Chop it up and put it a piece at a time in the wheelie bin each week until it’s gone?
Apart from the fact that you’re not allowed to fill your garbage bin with trees, won’t you feel like you’re re-enacting a gangster movie?

* Put it out for the Council Green Pickup?
Your local council probably offers this service. If so, simply leave the tree out with the garden refuse on collection day. This way your Christmas tree will be shredded and go into compost, so it’s totally recycled.

* Avoid the whole issue?
Enjoy your artificial tree, and tell all your friends it’s the only environmentally sound option these days.